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KEDO Statement
In the margins of the March 26, 2004, Executive Board meeting, and following strong press interest in the Memorandum of Understanding concluded between KEDO and DPRK, Roland Tricot, KEDO Spokesman, provided answers in the form of the following statement:

KEDO continues to take the necessary measures to preserve its construction site at Kumho District, South Hamgyoung Province (DPRK) since the suspension of the LWR project (on December 1, 2003). Preservation and maintenance activities are well underway.

KEDO met with DPRK officials to discuss issues relating to the implementation of the suspension of the LWR project.

Suspension introduced some new elements into operations at the site. For this reason, KEDO and the DPRK refined some procedures in the implementation of agreements at the site. This was recorded in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) approved by all four Executive Board capitals. The MOU provides clarifications of existing procedures which apply during the suspension period.

The MOU reconfirms authoritatively that the protocols and agreements remain in force. The protocols and agreements are in place to guarantee the welfare of the workers at the site. It outlines measures for the entry, stay and travel of KEDO personnel during the suspension period. It underscores the cooperative atmosphere in which KEDO and the DPRK have operated for nine years.

Regarding the repatriation of equipment, materials and technical documents, this issue remains under discussion. KEDO and the DPRK continue to remain engaged with it.

DPRK negotiators did not raise the issue of compensation during the meeting. In turn, KEDO officials did not see a strong reason to assert its position on it

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